The Search for Health (Hint: it’s not in Cymbalta)
by Lisa Macafee I recently went a bit mad searching for any possible thing that could be impacting my health. I go regularly to my doctor, a specialist in chronic health conditions, beg for help to achieve better health, and am regularly told that there was nothing to do. I trusted her to know what was best, which was foolish on my part. Eventually, I researched all the medications I am on… which are many… for possible side effects that could be making me feel so sick. I found that Cymbalta, a drug prescribed for fibromyalgia, could possibly be causing harm. Cymbalta is listed as having possible side effects of difficulty sleeping, headaches, feeling dizzy, blurred vision, heart palpitations, constipation, dry mouth, and drowsiness or fatigue, and serious possible side effects of long-lasting weakness or bruises that appear without a reason.
I had all of these. All of them. Why, you may ask, did my doctor never consider that this medication might be a problem if I came in every couple months complaining of severe fatigue, dry mouth, dizziness, etc.
I have had two gum grafts in the last two years, which my dentist could not figure out, but were needed partially due to having a dry mouth. How long have I even been on Cymbalta? Years now. Why did I start it? I can’t remember… When I finally asked to be taken off Cymbalta, my doctor did not agree with the decision, but offered a plan if I insisted. I insisted, and felt better the first day off the medication, although the withdrawal heart palpitations were rough. It’s only been two weeks, but I already feel better than I have in years. Years! Few will appreciate this, but I walked across campus yesterday for a holiday event, walked back, and was able to finish my shift, pick up my son, and continue to function as mom all night. This was, sadly, revolutionary for me. While I am increasingly furious with my doctor, I have hope for the first time in ages that I might recover. I may be able to live a less-disabled life. Hope is a powerful thing. As AJR says, “I ain't happy yet, but I'm Way Less Sad.”
Hello friends! I would like to publish writings from myself and other people with autism as snapshots of how autism has affected them, since there are so many misconceptions and confusions about adults with autism.
Some background: I completed a 12 unit certificate program to be able to serve autistic students and am angry at how the program focused only on little boys as autistic and completely left out adults, the trans autistic population, and girls/ femmes/ women autistics. I am currently pursuing a PsyD to do more research on autism and gender. Please contact me if you would like to add a story! If so, please send me your piece, publish name, title, and an image (can be a picture related to your content, your picture, an autism meme, etc). I am interested in publishing this collection, because people don't know enough about us (but sure do assume a lot). Also on Facebook! AuthorLisa Macafee, autistic counselor with a hankering for social justice. Archives
December 2024
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